Sunday, June 19, 2011

{Day 5} Sunday Morning Church

So we went to church today. :) {Early service, because there are so many people here for BSW.} William Matthews and Steffany Frizzell led. There's a bunch of new songs here, so I'm still getting into the rhythm of that. They really like "Love Song," by Jason Morant. We sang it Friday night and this morning. I really like the bridge (or, I assume the bridge).

You walk on waves
You run with clouds
You paint the sky for me to see

{In the video, a girl sings the verse and chorus, and a guy sings the bridge. That's how William and Steffany did it this morning, but Friday night the guy leader sang it all, I think.} {We also sang "I Could Sing of Your Love Forever" this morning. And some others.}

Danny Silk spoke a sermon titled "Virtuous Men: Proverbs 32." It was really, really, really good. He uses a PowerPoint - unlike most Bethel pastors, I think - and he showed two Youtube videos. That's Danny Silk! :)

In other news, I just put in my first load of laundry, so we'll see how that goes! :)

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