Thursday, July 7, 2011

{Day 22}

art in worship
Woke up. Went to school. Worship with Brian & Ramey (husband and wife; daughter of Ray Hughes) Whalen. Really, really good worship. Different style, but still epic. And some spontaneous stuff, also, as if 'good worship' wasn't enough.

Then another talk from Jerry Aaronson. This one on sound.

Oh. My. Gosh.

I'd heard rumors of this from Dad, so I have the feeling it wasn't as jaw-dropping for me as it was for others. But. It was pretty darn close. If I were to sum up the topic, it was on how everything has a frequency, everything is making noise. Everything. Leaves. Rocks. The planet Saturn. Swans {not, like the noise you hear. they're being eminates a sound that we don't hear}. Light. Human beings. You are a sound. A unique sound, that has never been played and will never be played again. Part of a great symphony that's constantly, constantly praising.

This is one of those really cool things that I feel weird sharing here. Because some people will find it life-changing. Some people simply interesting. Some people will shrug and say it's cool, and never think any more about it. A few may think it borders too close to the New Age. All that to say, I'll post the highlights below, as usual, but I'm not going to post my video of his {previously recorded} experiment on sound frequencies, and I'm not going to post any of the videos on YouTube that will add. I'm not against posting them, I'm just tired right now, and I'm not sure if sound interests anyone besides me. By request only. But if you request - I'll post. :)

Highlights {abridged; I have 3+ typed pages of bullet-point notes}:
  •  You only sense {feel, hear, see} about 8% of all sound.
  • Genesis 1:2 can be translated to God "vibrating" over the waters.
  • The reality you see here is not the greater reality. The reality you see here is caused by the greater reality. And the greater reality is sound. Music has taken on physical form. - a scientific journal
  • Observation can collapse a wave function and convert possibility to reality.
  • "We're busy sacrificing relationship with them [scientists] with the need to be right" - Jerry Aaronson
  • We think the New Age-rs are weird because they think crystals vibrate and give off energy.
  • {insert detailed explanation of old radios here}
  • Crystals vibrate and give off energy.
    • Stimulated electronically, they give a pulse.
    • Stimulated mechanically, they give electricity.
  • Everybody has a different frequency. Ask the guy who gives you an MRI.
  • "Could it be that you are the physical manifestation of a song that was in God's heart?" - Jerry Aaronson {I know, I know, you're wondering how we got from Point A to Point B. Basically, sound can create things. Basically. Long story too short.}
  • "If you only believe God talks through paper, that's the only way you're going to hear Him." - Jerry Aaronson
  • "If you have all authority, and he {Satan} has no authority, the only thing he can do is get you to point your authority in the wrong direction and pull the trigger." - Jerry Aaronson.
As I said, I have so many more notes than that. And some videos to accompany. Ask me.

After lunch, I went to Jeremy Riddle's class on Set Preparation. Strange class to pick, I know, but there were no others I had to go to, and I hadn't been to any of his workshops. I'm glad I did.


Um...there won't be any highlights here for that class. I took those notes in my binder, and I just realized I left my binder at school. So. Um. Yeah. First time I've done that.

CeCe & Lloyd
After that wonderful class, we had Creative Expressions, hosted by the amazing CeCe and Lloyd. Great time was had by all.

My roommate, Jasmine, did her spoken word. {You know those prayers? Totally worked. This morning she couldn't even open her mouth all the way...and by the time CE rolled around, she could. Facebook post tonight says she hasn't had Vicodin since this morning, and no pain at all! Yay God!} {And, I totally have a video of it, too, but Facebook's being weird. Not the best quality vid, anyway. Sorry. It was epically awesome.}

the back of my journal
 I hung out for a while afterward and talked with Diana. Then I went and chilled by Aslan at the Alabaster House. Then I went back and sat in on a Band Session while I completed my journal {I added a back design}. Then we went back to the Alabaster House and took some pics of Aslan and talked.

Then we came home. Ate supper. Am so tired. It was a very emotionally draining day for me. The sort of day where you come home, and you are beat up and bruised from the battle. You won. But you're worn out. That's me tonight.

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