Thursday, July 7, 2011

{Day 23}

wall of guitars in the sanctuary
I'm actually home early! I've been supposed to be packing for the past..oh...two hours. I haven't. I wrote a good portion of a new song {not congregational}, ate some peanut butter, now I'm writing a blog post.

Yeah, well, it was a halfway decent song. Much more interesting than packing. But now there are people in the house and we all know how difficult it is for me to write songs when people are around. {Haha, I'd be much more prolific if I lived alone.}
blank canvases ready for worship

Anyway, the day started with worship by a band from India. They have trained with Dan McCollum, and  they led us in some awesome worship, first in English, then in 2 of India's 23 official languages. It was really awesome. Some great dancing. :)

Then Dan McCollum talked about his vision for the arts and the Seven Mountains of Influence. Basically a 40-minute long prophetic word. So amazing, but it's more something to tell in person. So ask me. :) Highlights:
  • It is a false idea that the pinnacle of Christian commitment is to do ministry for a living.
  • When we imitate rather than innovate, we are actually acting in the kingdom of the enemy.
watching experiments
Then we got to see some of Jerry Aaronson's experiments that he'd showed us video of yesterday. That was fun.

"Signature" by Melody
Lunch. Then an art workshop with Tricia called "Creative Freedom." Basically...we painted blindfolded. Such an awesome experience. I can't wait to bring this class home! My painting doesn't look all the great, but, boy, oh, boy, is there an explanation behind it. Highlight:
  • It's not until the artist signs it that the painting has any value.
Then Creative Expressions. My friend, Anja, played and sang an original song.

Lauren, one of my hosts, made an announcement about her company's upcoming iPhone app, so that was really cool because I was like, "I know her! And her epic quest for iPhone epicness." :)

Then I came home, wrote {part of} a song, ate some peanut butter, checked my email, and wrote a blog post.

Now I'm going to pack.


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